Our vision is to drive development and self-sufficiency in Ghana and across the continent.


To add value to local resources by transforming them into high quality products that celebrate African art and culture.

’57 is the pioneer bean to bar chocolate business in Ghana defined by creativity and authenticity. ‘57 Chocolate is short for 1957, the year of Ghana’s independence. This venture uses resources grown within the country to create delicious treats. ’57 hones in on Ghana’s Independence Day spirit and challenges the status quo that premium chocolate can only be made in Europe.

 At ’57 we take dried cocoa beans and process them into luxurious chocolate and confections. Using our creative skills and imagination, we make products that are a reflection and celebration of Ghanaian art and culture.

‘57’s mission is to revive the 1957 “can-do spirit” by adding value to the cocoa bean and cocoa farmer— on a local scale. Our passion is to inspire the people of Ghana, especially the youth to not be satisfied at merely selling and trading the country’s natural resources or other items in their “natural” state, but to use their minds and creative geniuses to transform these resources by creating and manufacturing made in Ghana products of premium value.

 ’57 is about patriotism and empowering the youth to create something of their own. We aspire to bring manufacturing back to Ghana. 

Meet the ’57 Sisters

Priscilla Addison (Co-Founder):

Priscilla prefers the flavor of vanilla to chocolate, but after learning how to make chocolate from bean to bar, her appreciation has risen to new heights. She is excited to embark on this creative journey with her sister, Kimberly. Not only does she serve as co-chef, she brings her marketing and communications expertise to this venture. 

Favorite ‘57 Chocolate: 55% milk chocolate with almonds and sea salt.

Kimberly Addison (Co-Founder):

Kim fell in love with the possibility of making chocolate when she went on a factory tour in Switzerland.  Amused and intrigued by the fact that Ghana grew the main ingredient in chocolate (cocoa) but produced very little chocolate itself, Kim embarked on an adventure and took up the challenge of learning to make chocolate from bean to bar, adding more value to the cocoa bean, right at home!

Favorite ‘57 Chocolate:  Dark chocolate with sea salt.